A Tribute To The Columbine Tragedy
Daniel 12:1. The reason being is that I could picture myself among all the
people at the memorial service, like an angel,
to show how much sorrow I felt and to have been there to comfort everyone.
The Scripture reads as follows....
Prophecy of the Great Time of Trouble
12: And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth
The reason I chose this Scripture is because my first name is
Peace, Love and Happiness,
Needless to say, nothing is proving effectful and the ignorance of the church
for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble,
such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time:
and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall
be found written in the book.
Michael, and to those who's lives were taken, have been delivered to heaven.
I felt, in mind and soul, that my soul presence was there, at the memorial, standing up like
an angel from heaven, for the children of the people, at their time of need.
I Sincerely hope that all suffering will be eased by the well being of
all the people who are surrounding all of those in pain and sorrow.
Again, my prayers are with you.
Since the Columbine Tradegy, there have been multiple other instances.
Another one was the Granite Hills incident which hit close to home also.
I'm from San Diego, California originally and I attended Granite Hills
back in the 80's. My father still lives right up the street from the school.
may be the only source left to keep all in line.
What happened to freedom of choice?? What happened to freedom of speech??
If someone wants to pray, then so be it! That's freedom of choice and speech.
I can honestly say the US is becoming more communist at this rate.
Next thing to happen will most likely be an overpowering leader.